Friday, October 26, 2012

Trick or Treat Pumpkin Bag Tutorial

I made my pattern with a piece of notebook paper. Approx 10 inches long and 6 inches wide. Fold in half and mark 3 1/2 inches from bottom. Connect the dot to the fold on the bottom of paper. Cut.
Gather orange scraps assorted sizes
Cut four (4) pieces of muslin using the pattern you made
Begin in the middle and add pieces of orange scraps using a 1/4 inch seam allowance. First scrap is right side up. Pin to muslin. Add another piece of orange on top of first piece. Right sides together. Sew. Open and press. ALWAYS makes sure the next scrap you add will cover the sides of the last piece you've sewn. MAKE 4 
Add a face and name on two different sections
Cut four (4) pieces of solid orange using your pattern
Make a strap by folding a piece of fabric right side together and sewing closed with a 1/4 inch seam.. It's a good idea to use some interfacing on the strap. Turn and press.
Gather all your pieces together
You can use starch if necessary
Pin two (2) outer pieces together. Start sewing from the point on the bottom following through to the top. Back-stitching is important for this project.
Add another outer piece and sew. * Remember - pins are your friend!
Add last piece and sew
Your piece should look like this.
Turn piece so orange is on the OUTSIDE
Sew together the solid orange pieces using the same directions as for the outside of your pumpkin.
On last piece to be sewn make sure to leave a space ( 3 or 4 inches ) for turning.
Add strap to outside of bag. Bring strap UNDER your pumpkin and pin to the other side.
It should look like this.
Put outer pumpkin into your solid lining. Right sides together. Pin.
Sew pieces together. Sew over straps three times for extra security.
Trim straps to fabric edge. Find opening and turn.
Your project should look like this.
Pin and stitch opening closed. Press all sides together. Use steam if needed around top of pumpkin.
Sew around opening to hold outside and lining together,
Now enjoy your pumpkin. Happy Halloween!

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